by Dan Wood

Recently  I  watched  a TV show called "Late and Loud" which is shown on
terrestrial  TV  (Channel 3) at about 5AM (when you work a nightshift it
seems to mess up your sleeping pattern for the week).  And the topic was
"Child models".  And whether this was right or wrong.

Now  this  is a subject that relates to me, as in the past I did do some
kind  of  "modelling" in catalouges (not saying which, it's embarrassing
:).   When  I was about 8 and then again when I was 13 and 14.  I wasn't
exploited,  I  got paid well for it, but the glamorous side of it is not
there.   The work is long, and boring.  The amount of times they have to
take a shoot is unbelieveable, one of them took a full day, just for one
sodding photo.

And the amount of make up they make you wear, yeah I had to put lipstick
on  (argh,  shhh,  all the boys have to).  But there is no danger in it,
the parents have to say ok, and the kid chooses to do it, I got asked by
my  mother  if  I  wanted  to,  and  I  said yeah, a bit of money for my
holiday,  a  pretty easy (if boring) job, you just sit/stand there while
they  make  you  look  pretty, then take a photo of you in some of their
clothes (which you get to keep, nice of them huh?).  So I don't think in
90% of the legal cases kids are in any danger or being exploited at all,
it's  all  very  above  board,  and  there has to be some models for the
cataloouges that are kids, how else are they going to show kids clothes?
